Join our webinar on preparing for CDP reporting in 2024

Watershed event

Prepare for CDP reporting with our experts


CDP released its new questionnaire on April 30, kicking off reporting season for the more than 23,000 companies that voluntarily disclose with CDP.

CDP has announced a slew of changes this year, including a single integrated questionnaire, a new reporting portal, and alignment with ISSB.

In this event, climate, policy, and reporting experts broke down the updates, shared insights from working with leading companies around the world on CDP disclosures, and answered audience questions. They covered:

  • Steps to start preparing for CDP now.
  • How to think about CDP scoring.
  • Overlap between CDP and other voluntary and mandatory reporting frameworks.


Megan Danielson

Megan Danielson

Customer Success Manager, Watershed

Vince Digneo

Vince Digneo

Head of Sustainability, Climate, & Clean Energy at Palo Alto Networks

Louis Mark

Louis Mark

Senior Manager, Sustainable Operations & ESG, Autodesk

Eric Nevalsky

Eric Nevalsky

Climate Advisor, Watershed

J R VanOrder

J R VanOrder

Partner, Digital Sustainability Services, EY

Join our webinar on preparing for CDP reporting in 2024

Watch event recording